Abelssoft PC Fresh 2019 5.0 Build 9 Full Version

Abelssoft PC Fresh 2018 4.04.39 Full Version
Dengan PC Fresh Anda bisa menyetel komputer Anda seperti yang dilakukan oleh para ahli komputer, Sesuaikan tampilan dan nuansa sistem operasi Anda dan Mempercepat program Anda dengan menggunakan mode turbo.

Abelssoft PCFresh Features
By interview determined requirements
PC Fresh performs an interview to identify your operating system requirements. Thus, only recommendations will be done, which satisfy your demand.

Benefit from other experience
In case of configuration services and startup programs PC Fresh will help with recommendations. In addition you can benefit from the expirience of other users, because PC Fresh shows their recommendations

Individual system adjustment
The customize module provides access to a large number of settings, which affect to the appearance and behavior of your system. They can be customized individually.

Monitor Windows services
These are system programs that run invisibly in the background. Often start far over one hundred services with Windows. With PC Fresh, all running services are displayed and can be closed as needed.

Startup optimization
Many programs unasked start with Windows. Many of them are not needed. A special module in PC Fresh lists all startup applications and allows you to disable all that don´t fits your needs.

RAM tuner and system information
The memory optimization helps to free up unnecessarily occupied memory.


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