Sticky Password Premium Multilingual Full Version

Sticky Password Premium Multilingual Full Version
Sticky Password Premium Full Patch adalah software yang berguna untuk mengelola semua password akun online dan akun aplikasi atau games kita di satu tempat dengan aman. Sekarang ini kita tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan kehidupan online, banyak sekali sosial media dan juga website yang mengharuskan kita mendaftar dahulu untuk dapat menggunakan fasilitas di website tersebut. Otomatis kita akan mempunyai banyak sekali akun dan password yang berbeda-beda. Dengan banyaknya akun dan password tersebut, tentunya kita terkadang lupa dengan password tersebut.

Nah untuk mengatasi hal tersebut anda dapat menggunakan program Sticky Password Premium Full yang admin bagikan ini. Dengan menggunakan software ini, anda dapat menyimpan semua akun tersebut di tempat yang aman dan hanya perlu mengingat satu master password untuk membuka program Sticky Password Premium Full ini.
  • Fill Out Forms Instantly
    Sticky Password completes even the longest forms for you – automatically. No need to register every time you shop or download – once you’ve stored your information in the password manager, you can recall it instantly on any device whenever you need it.​
  • Log In Automatically
    With all that you do online, it’s a challenge to create and remember passwords for your favorite sites and apps – whether it be email, social networks, shopping, banking, magazines and other subscriptions, or school and community.​
  • Only One Password to Remember
    Your master password is the only one you need to remember – Sticky Password does the rest. If you have passwords set up already, just import them when you install the software. And whenever you need a new password, Sticky Password creates one for you – automatically.​
  • Unbeatable Security
    Sticky Password creates the strongest possible passwords and stores them behind multiple layers of protection. Your password manager database is encrypted with powerful encryption algorithms, including military-grade AES encryption.​
  • Support For All Your Devices
    Sticky Password supports Windows, iPhones, iPads, and Android devices; support for Mac is also being considered. So no matter where you are or what device you use all your passwords and personal form-filling information are just a click or tap away.​
  • What Are You Waiting For?
    Download a 30-day full-function trial version of Sticky Password today. We guarantee you’ll be so impressed, you’ll want it on hand in your browser for ever! After 30 days, the synchronization goes away, and you’ll be restricted to 15 accounts, so keep that in mind!​
Whats New :
  • Improved unlock dialog look and feel
  • Improved installation of Google Chrome extension
  • Improved first run wizard

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