Uninstall Tool 3.5.8 Build 5620 Multilingual Full Crack

Uninstall Tool 3.5.4 Build 5565 Terbaru Full Version
Uninstall Tool - aplikasi uninstall yang Powerfull. Jadikan Komputer Anda Lebih Cepat dari Sekarang dengan menggunakan Uninstall Tool! Ini adalah cara yang cepat, aman dan nyaman untuk menghapus aplikasi dan komponen sistem yang tidak dibutuhkan. Aplikasi ini dapat diandalkan untuk alternatif standar Windows Add / Remove program. Program ini memiliki banyak fitur dan pilihan yang salah dalam applet Microsoft. Uninstall Tool bekerja dengan LIGHTNING SPEED dan LENGKAP menghapus semua program dari komputer Anda.

  • Revised and improved User Interface (including new icons)
  • Secondary toolbar with addional functions (can be hidden)
  • Adjustable positions of toolbars (top/bottom/side)
  • Simplified and more convenient use of task panel (in the left of Uninstaller and Startup managers), added keyboard navigation for task panel controls
  • Automatic check for updates (optional) and new version dialog with 'what's new' list
  • Improved preferences dialog
  • New HTML report (both for Uninstaller and Startup manager)
  • Running different Windows Tools (Tools menu)
  • Program preferences are always saved to the 'preferences.xml' file (located in CSIDL_APPDATA\CrystalIdea Software\Uninstall Tool)
  • 90% of program code is rewritten/reviewed/optimized
  • Improved program stability
  • Uninstall Wizard: faster scanning
  • Uninstall Wizard: detection of running processes among found traces; termination on request
  • Better program listing, better icon detection
  • Ability to force stop uninstall processes (when third-party uninstaller is freezed)
  • Show recent items in the secondary toolbar (not in status bar) with grouping items (Apps/System/Hidden) in a popup menu
  • Improved cache algorithms
  • Improved search filter usage
  • List view with small icons looks better now
  • Google for program name (Ctrl+G) and its publisher (see 'Action' menu)
  • Uninstaller cache is now saved to 'CachedData.dat' file (located in CSIDL_APPDATA\CrystalIdea Software\Uninstall Tool). One can manually refresh the cache by simply pressing the Refresh button in the toolbar (F5)
  • New: Startup manager now displays tasks that automatically start on user logon. You can also add a new scheduled task with Uninstall Tool
  • New: great user interface experience with HiDPI display modes (e.g. 150% or 200% on modern 4k, 5k displays)
  • New: Install Tracker now monitors file/folder rename operations to provide even more accurate and fundamental tracing. The driver (CisUtMonitor.sys) is updated!
  • New: Launch Windows Task scheduler from Tools->System Tools menu
  • Many improvements
  • Many bugs fixed (more details coming soon)
Uninstall Tool 3.5.4 Build 5565 Terbaru Full Version
Cara Instal :
  1. Download dan ekstrak file “Uninstall Tool 3.5.4 Build 5565”.
  2. Ekstrak juga file patch yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
  3. Instal program Uninstall Tool ini seperti biasa.
  4. Setelah proses instalasi programnya selesai, jangan dulu masuk ke programnya.
  5. Buka folder patch dan copy pastekan file “patch” ke folder instalasi Uninstall Tool di pc atau laptop anda.
  6. Jalankan patch dengan cara klik kanan lalu pilih run as administrator.
  7. Klik Patch.
  8. Selesai

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