PrimoCache Desktop Edition 3.0.1 (x86/x64) Terbaru Full Version

PrimoCache Desktop Edition 3.0.1 (x86/x64) Terbaru Full Version
PrimoCache Desktop Edition adalah skema caching perangkat lunak pelengkap yang bekerja sama dengan memori fisik, solid-state drive (SSD) dan flash drive untuk menyediakan caching data untuk disk fisik lokal. Ini secara transparan menyimpan data disk ke perangkat cache cepat seperti memori fisik, sehingga permintaan membaca di masa depan untuk data tersebut akan disajikan langsung dari cache dan menjadi lebih cepat. Dengan demikian waktu akses akan berkurang, menunjukkan peningkatan yang besar dalam keseluruhan kinerja sistem.

What Can You Do With It?
  • If you have 4GB or more memory, you can use a portion of the memory as cache to accelerate local disks, including mechanical disks, SSDs and flash drives, and iSCSI disks.
  •  If you have memory not seen by Windows, usually in 32-bit Windows, you can use this hidden memory as cache to accelerate local disks and iSCSI disks.
  • If you have a SSD and a mechanical disk on your system, you are able to partition a portion or all of this SSD as cache to accelerate the mechanical disk.
  • If you have a spare USB 3.0 flash drive, you can use it as cache to accelerate your mechanical disks.
Main Features
  • Supports physical memory, solid-state drives and flash drives as cache storage.
  • Implements a two-level caching architecture.
  • Supports persistent level-2 caching.
  • Supports Write-Through and Write-Deferred caching modes.
  • Supports TRIM command.
  • Supports OS Invisible Memory.
  • Supports pre-fetching data into cache.
  • Implements an intelligent and self-tuning cache replacement algorithm.
  • Supports caching strategies: Read/Write Caching, Read-Only Caching and Write-Only Caching.
  • Supports performance statistics and monitor.
  • Supports caching for multiple volumes
  • Supports caching for volumes with proprietary file system.
  • Supports caching for volumes on basic and dynamic disks.
  • Supports plug and play.
  • Supports command-line interface.
PrimoCache Desktop Edition:
All versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, including x86 and x64 editions.


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